CLIENT | Capital Health
READERSHIP | Women in the suburbs of Princeton, Hopewell, Lambertville, Skillman, NJ as well as New Hope, Newtown, and Yardley, PA. Additional copies are distributed in waiting rooms of doctors within Capital Health, including the Women’s Health Center, the Center for Comprehensive Breast Care, and at the Capital Health hospitals in Hopewell and Trenton.

There are dozens of consumer magazines on the shelves of every
newsstand and bookstore filled with supermodels and Hollywood beauties trying to capture women readers. That’s not what Real Woman is about. Instead, Real Woman is written by, for, and about actual women, covering issues that matter most to them—health, fitness, careers, parenting, and relationships. Women who, in many cases, are the CEOs of their households and make the health, travel, nutrition, and purchasing decisions for themselves and their families. With advice from foremost experts in variety of fields, the magazine provides tools for women to improve their lives, inspire each other, and overcome major health, personal, and professional challenges to achieve their goals.