CLIENT | American Hotel & Lodging Association
READERSHIP | Nearly 18,000 members of the AH&LAreceive Lodging as part of their membership benefits package. In addition, more than 20,000 hospitality industry executives, developers, and managers read Lodging for up-to-date information on news and trends in the industry.

When the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) wanted to divest its flagship magazine, Lodging, it turned to a longtime partner, McNeill Media Group. Having already enjoyed a profitable partnership in advertising sales with McNeill Media Group and knowing it’s far-reaching capabilities as a full-service publisher, McNeill Media Group took over all aspects of the magazine—from editorial and design to advertising sale and distribution. Now owning the magazine outright, McNeill Media Group continues to work with AH&LA on a successful partnership as the official magazine of the association, leading to enhanced marketing and outreach opportunities for the association.